Яндекс цитирования

Гражданская авиация: Авиарынок. Доска авиационных объявлений. Самолеты, вертолеты, СЛА, ВСУ, запчасти, оборудование. Купить-Продать-Аренда-Лизинг. Авиауслуги. Работа в авиации.

Карта сайта

Agat Ltd


Agate Inc. is a supplier of electronic components since 2004. During this time, we have developed an extensive network of supply and proved itself as a reliable distributor of electronic components on the Russian market.

The main activity of the company Agate component is the supply connector of domestic and foreign production for various industries.

Our company has successfully supplied electronic components and electrical products of any manufacturer and specifications:


Switching products: connectors, relays;
Active electronic components: integrated circuits, micro, microcontroller, memory, diodes, transistors, thyristors, sensors, power devices, amplifiers;
Passive Components: сapacitors, resistors, transformers, filters, ferrites, sensors;
Display: LEDs, indicators, optoelectronic components;
Electrical products: low-voltage automation and measuring technology;

Aerotechnics: supply of parts, components and assemblies for helicopters (MI-8, MI-17).


If necessary, our company can produce a unique product for your needs and requests. 


As company Agate component delivers components and spare parts for aircraft of domestic manufacture. 


We are glad to cooperate at any level and in any direction of interaction. If you have need for electronic components, you can submit a request on our website or contact person by phone (fax) or e-mail.


  • Chips;
  • Diodes;
  • Zener;
  • Transistors;
  • Connectors;
  • Switches;
  • Fuses;
  • Holders;
  • Relay;
  • Resistors variables;
  • Resistor;
  • Resistors constants;
  • Indicators;
  • Power devices;
  • Chokes;
  • Imported electronic components;
  • ATI control panels, buttons, switches, fuses, panel.



Limited Liability Company "Agat-component"
Address: Russia, 109147, Moscow, st. Marksistskaja, 5, entrance 1, of.5B

Phone: +7 (495) 972-62-83
Fax: +7 (495) 648-71-66

Contact person: Alexei
E-mail: agatcompo@list.ru